Well, we're back in China! And it is HOT. Humid and hot. Like 104F but feels like 120F. Yup, really hot. Thankful our air conditioning works quite well. We did hear that this is the hottest summer in 63 years, and we timed our return just right to be back for the hottest week! It was torture. But we're now down into the 90's, so it actually is bearable to be outside. Still hot, but bearable.
But this post isn't about how hot it is here, this post is about our summer back in the States. It was a great time with family & friends. We went camping and played at the beach, took our first dual family vacation with both sides of our family (and had a wonderful time), ate a lot of yummy food, saw many friends and really enjoyed ourselves. It was refreshing and at the end of it all we were ready to come back to China and our home here.
And now, because it's easier to post pictures to tell a story, here is our summer in pictures! Enjoy.
Flying over the Pacific Ocean |
Seeing WSU friends in Spokane! |
Getting our dance on with friends at their wedding. Such a fun time. |
Hanging out with my two crazy sisters. |
Tabby came to visit! And she got her ears pierced. Such a brave woman. |
More WSU friends came to visit me in Prosser! |
We went on vacation and my mom bought a hydrangea. My sister was very excited (but I still want to know who buys a hydrangea on vacation?). |
Me & the sisters |
Both our families! Fun times at the beach. |
I had some R&R with the 'rents dog, Yappy (yes, that is her name). She likes to hang out on the hammock. |
Went camping at the beach with friends and some Chinese interns visiting our hometown. |
Playing games at the beach. |
Finding starfish eating muscles at the beach. Interesting? Or Gross? |
Mandatory kodak moment. |
We got to see our former puppy, Nala. I'm pretty sure she remembered us. |
Car ride to the beach! Fun times with friends. |
More fun times with friends who we didn't expect to see (they now live in Nebraska). |
I tried not to include any boring pictures, like all the pictures I took of food. Or sunsets. Or the sky in general. You can find those on Instagram. ;-)