
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting into the spirit

One thing about living in China that is hard is missing out on all the holiday festivities I know that are taking place back home.  Christmas music starting to play everywhere, lights going up, people out shopping, advent, trees, nativities, parties, egg nog...ok, I think you get it.  I miss it.  Good thing I have videos like this one to help me get in the spirit.  I haven't stooped to the level of streaming it to the TV yet while putting up our tree...but hey, that's not a bad idea. 

On a side note, how do they do that?  Amazing...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our new definition of cute

Well, we got the puppy!  We are still recovering from all our friends and colleagues being here last week so we do a lot of watching our cute little puppy play.  And boy is he cute.  His name is still in the works, suggestions accepted!  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Chinglish Monday #4

We saw this sign while looking around at a huge remodeling warehouse.  It was six floors of everything you would ever need to remodel your home/apartment...and take care of smallpox. 

We asked our friends what the sign was trying to say; the English missing in the translation is "painting supplies". Hmmm...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The dog dilemma

Some of you may have seen this picture show up on Instagram or Facebook recently...

We have been saying for a few weeks that we want to get a dog...and then yesterday the opportunity presented itself.  I was waiting with my friend for the Hubby to show up with some other friends so we could all go get lunch.  I had just picked up a package my mom mailed to me (that adventure deserves its own post) and was hanging out in front of a fruit stand.  The owner had this really cute puppy that kept coming over to play.  He was really cute (the puppy - not the fruit stand owner), and kept antagonizing the other dogs walking by, wanting to play with them.  

After standing there awhile and laughing with my friend about the puppy, the fruit stand owner walked over and started asking my friend questions like, "where is your friend from" and "how old is she."  My friend graciously threw in that I was already married. :-)  Not quite sure where the conversation was going (and understanding most of it up to this point), the owner then offered for us to buy the dog if we were interested.  This sort of shocked me, I mean, it was his dog.  Didn't he love his little cute, playful puppy?  I laughed it off and didn't really take it seriously.  It was, after all, well loved by his owner and had lots of people to play with at the fruit stand.  This puppy, unlike others, wasn't in need of "rescuing" from peril. 

The Hubby showed up about five minutes later and I relayed the story to him as a humorous guess-what-happened-while-waiting-for-you aside.  Immediately, he went over to the fruit stand owner to talk about the dog.  I wasn't really in "let's buy a puppy" mode and didn't expect the Hubby to be so adamant about working out the details of a dog sale right there on the street.  Luckily, we had to eat lunch and so told the owner we would come back after discussing it over noodles and fried dumplings. 

Apparently, even though we both have been talking about getting a dog, we aren't on the same page with the whole puppy thing.  I am not too keen on getting a puppy.  Potty training and shoe destruction aren't something I want to be dealing with.  However, the Hubby is thinking that we needed a puppy to train it correctly and teach it to ride on the scooter (yes, that was his argument).  And the puppy is really cute...

After cordially discussing the finer points of puppy parenting, we landed on an agreement.  We'll go back next week (this week we are too busy and won't be home much to train a puppy), and take the puppy to the vet.  If the puppy is healthy and the vet can sort of guess for us what kind of dog it is (how big will it get? personality? etc), we will adopt him.  If the puppy does not pass the test then we will take him back to the original owner.  

So, my question to all of you - based on that adorable picture, what kind of dog do you think it is?  I'm guessing Chihuahua mix?  Would you take it home?  He is really cute...until he poops on your pillow or eats your favorite slipper.  Just sayin'.